EC Acceleration programs

Through our previous and current accelerator programs, such as KATANA, FRACTALS, Internet of Food & Farm 2020 and DIATOMIC, more than 200 startups and SMEs were supported with over 8 mil. euros, along with business and technical mentoring to contribute to the digital transformation of the agri-food sector. With the assistance of top-notch local and international mentors and trainers and with years of experience in this sector, through its Accelerator, BioSense will provide the necessary resources for early-stage, agtech startups, that will save the time and money to the entrepreneurs, which are both crucial resources at the initial stage of their development. With its well-developed pan-European network, BioSense provides sectoral connections across Europe in the fields of R&D, business development, financing, marketing, and other necessary expertise. Through channeling EC funds to the most promising and innovative ideas, we strive to build the ecosystem of start-ups, SMEs, investors, corporates, tech-/business-experts, EC and other relevant stakeholders in order to support an open community that brings new values to European level. Through creating and maintaining an ecosystem of innovative start-ups and SMEs, but also investors, VCs, and business angels, these actions will allow the new Centre of Excellence to understand properly real market needs, follow lean start-up business model and to partner with European SMEs. All this will help BioSense to push forward its market presence and value creation for its stakeholders.

What is the total investment?

Open Call – 5.470.716,18

Smart Urban Farming Challenge – 40.000

Total 5.550.716,18

When was the open call?


The number of applications


How many applications came from Serbia?


How many applications were financed?

OC - 43

SUF - 3

How many applications were financed?

OC 43



What is the amount of funding that the applicants got?

Single applicant, max 150.000, average 127.225,96 EUR

How many SMEs from Serbia were financed?


What is the total investment?


When were the Open Calls?

OC1 – 01.12.2016-31.03.2017

OC2 – 01.10.2017-31.12.2017

The number of applications

OC1 – 656

OC2 – 54 crowdfunding campaigns

How many applications came from Serbia?

OC1 - 68

OC2 – 13 campaigns

How many applications were financed?

OC1- 100

OC2- 10

The number of financed SMEs

OC1 -100

OC2 – 10 consortia – 25 SMEs

What is the amount of funding that consortia got?

OC1 – 2.000

OC2 – 100.000

How many SMEs from Serbia were financed?

OC1 – 17

OC2 – 1 consortium – 2 SME

What is the total investment?

3.000.000 in total, two separated Open Calls.

OC1 – 1.389.939

OC2 – 1.609.625

436 eur remainig

When were the Open Calls?

OC1 – 15 March 2018 – 15 June 2018

OC2 – 01 November 2018 – 31 January 2019

The number of applications

OC1 -78

OC2 - 175

TOTAL - 253

How many applications came from Serbia?

OC1 - 5

OC2 - 15

Total - 20

How many applications were financed?

OC1 – 8

OC2 – 9

Total 17

The number of financed SMEs

17 consortia

OC1 – 16

OC2 - 14

What is the amount of funding that consortia got?

2 identical Open Calls. Maximum funding per consortium was 200.000 EUR.

Projects had three phases in their implementation - DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, MARKET. The funding for each phase was released after successful review of relevant deliverables.

Funding per phase: DESIGN do 40%


MARKET do 100%

Released funding:

OC1: 1.181.447,65

OC2: 1.368.182,52

The SMEs will receive last 15% (449.934,11) of their budget once DIATOMIC consortium receives the last payment from EC.

What is the total investment?

2.5M EUR

OC1: 1.000.000

OC2: 1.500.000

When were the Open Calls?

OC1: September 20th, 2019 – January 8th, 2020

Application through P2P platform with a 3-minute video

OC2: April 2020- June 2020

Presentation of a Pitch-deck on PARSEC Demo Days

The number of applications


348 Total

292 Accepted

56 Rejected


60 Total (60 consortia – 142 SMEs)

15 Accepted (15 consortia – 34 SMEs)

How many applications came from Serbia?


26 Total

25 Accepted

1 Rejected


10 applications with consortia members from Serbia

How many applications were financed?

OC1 – 100

OC2 - 15

The number of financed SMEs

OC1 – 100 SMEs

OC2 – 34 SMEs

What is the amount of funding that consortia got?

OC1: 10K EUR per SME

OC2: up to 100K EUR per Consortia – up to 50K EUR per SME

How many SMEs from Serbia were financed?

OC1: 9

OC2: 1

What is the total investment?


When are/were the Open Calls?

OC1 for Innovation Experiments: March 1st 2020 – September 1st 2020

OC for Industrial Challenges: October 20th 2020 – January 20th 2020

OC2 for Innovation Experiments: February 1st 2021 – May 1st 2021

The number of applications


How many applications came from Serbia?


How many applications were financed?


The number of financed SMEs


What is the amount of funding that consortia got?


How many SMEs from Serbia were financed?


What is the total investment?

Up to 6.000.000 € (5.983.674€)

When was the Open Call?

04.06.2018. - 30.09.2018

The number of applications


How many applications came from Serbia?


How many applications were financed?

14 with at least one SME in the application

What is the amount of funding that consortia got?

100.000 – 300.000 €

How many SMEs from Serbia were financed?


The RESPOND OC consists of two separate calls:

For Digital Innovation Hubs

For Small and Medium Enterprises, including Startups

Total funding

SAHs for DIHs: 369.772 Euro

SAHs for SMEs: 375.652 Euro

When were the Open Calls?

The RESPOND Open Call was open on 12th of May and closed on 3rd of June 2020, 17.00 CEST

The number of applications

SAHs for DIHs: 31

SAHs for SMEs: 78

How many applications came from Serbia?

SAHs for DIHs: 0

SAHs for SMEs: 0

How many applications were financed?

SAHs for DIHs: 13

SAHs for SMEs: 8

How many SMEs from Serbia were financed?


Average project duration

SAHs for DIHs: 5.3 months

SAHs for SMEs: 5.4 months

The Open Call for new Innovation Experiments (IE) is open till summer 2021, with several cut- off dates!