

BioSense Institute is regionally and internationally recognized for its R&I in the range of ICT disciplines (nano and microelectronics, remote sensing, communications, signal processing, robotics, etc.) focused towards applications in agrifood sector. Although research and innovation in ICT play the crucial role in the agrifood sector today, BioSense is the only institution in the region focused on this topic. BioSense advances and integrates all that ICT can offer today – nanomaterials, various microelectronic technologies, artificial intelligence, satellite imaging, bioinformatics, big data analytics – to provide as much information as possible to the agricultural sector. With 14 FP7 and 10 H2020 projects and a large number of research activities funded by other sources (both from the national and international sources, including industry), BioSense possesses significant human and material resources, including its state-pf-the-art laboratories, unique in the region. Institute’s research scope is well aligned with the national RTD priorities as well as with the Smart Specialization of Vojvodina.

Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (DLO) is part of Wageningen University & Research centre (Wageningen UR) from the Netherlands. Currently involvement in 250 FP7 project and ranked 13th of all research institutes in Europe (1st in the agricultural domain) illustrates well DLO’s research and innovation excellence. Two institutes from DLO participates in ANTARES: Plant Research International (PRI) and Food & Biobased Research (FBR). PRI conducts research on nutrient management and the application of sensor technology to support nutrient recommendations, while FBR deals with applied research for sustainable innovations in healthy food, fresh food chains and biobased products. In addition to its scientific excellence, DLO is renowned for its business model for applied and market‐oriented research which led to its remarkable performance in competitive open calls.

Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia (MESTD) is the national authority in charge of all issues related to education and science at the national level, including the development of laws, policies and strategies related to innovation, science and technological development, establishment and functioning of educational and research institutions intellectual property, transfer of knowledge to the industry, etc.