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Antares Annual Workshop 2022
The ANTARES 6th Annual Workshop took place from December 15th to December 16th, and it was a hybrid event with most of the participants physically present, while two speakers participated in the event online. The workshop was focused on the importance of completion of construction and equipping the new building of the BioSense Institute with state-of-the-art equipment, exchange of ideas with Scientific and Innovation Advisory Boards members and strengthening ties and improving collaboration with partners.
The project progress was discussed in-depth with project partners and Scientific and Innovation Advisory Boards members. The first day as dedicated to the detailed presentations of the progress made throughout the project, the current situation, and the way forward. Lively discussion was developed during each presentation between the BioSense team and the Advisory Board members who were very interested in all presented topics. That resulted in exchange of interesting ideas and valuable learning takeaways.
The second day had begun with a visit to the construction site of the new building. The visitors were introduced to innovative architectural and construction solutions that make the new building unique and specially designed for the most sensitive scientific research carried out at the BioSense Institute. In the following sessions, the leaders of the work packages continued with presentation of the progress made throughout the project, overview of tasks and objectives in each work package, the current situation, and the way forward. The presentations were followed by a discussion during which useful ideas and suggestions for some of the weak points would usually be generated.
In parallel, during the second day three scientific sessions with presentations of Wageningen University and Research and BioSense Institute researchers were held. BioSense and Wageningen University Research researchers had the opportunity to exchange the latest knowledge and research results related to development of both institutions within the scope of Joint Strategic Research Agenda. Presentations included results of ongoing joint research, but also invitation lectures aiming for opening new prospective research directions and exploring the synergies between partners. Workshop audience were BioSense researchers, PhD students from University of Novi Sad and Belgrade and representatives of AgTech startups. Workshop was held in hybrid mode, with the majority of presentations provided on site and two online invited speakers. Scientific part of the workshop included 3 sessions: (1) Remote Sensing and Digital Twins, (2) Sensing and Analytics in Postharvest Applications and (3) The Value of Biodiversity.